With every pregnancy and birth, a woman walks her own path, the past, the present and the future come together in the moment. As a maternity nurse and doula, I have made my own journey to where I am today. I am Robin Schulz, born (1991) in Amsterdam, worked as an interior stylist, yoga teacher and now mainly as a natural maternity nurse and doula. My doula journey started the moment I found out I was pregnant with my first child, at that moment my life was anything but stable and I decided with a lot of pain in my heart to abort the pregnancy. But just where something comes to an end, something else also starts to bloom. It felt to me like the universe had another idea for me, suddenly women close to me got pregnant. And the babies flew around my ears! The Bia doula training came my way and all puzzle pieces fell into place. I had to follow my heart and support other women in their choices during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period. Every woman starts motherhood in a different way and that is incredibly beautiful. Watching a woman / couple grow in a loving and safe way during the birth of their baby.
○ Ervaring met
- Natuurlijke kraamzorg en reguliere kraamzorg
- Holistische zorg
- Doula begeleiding
- Warmte zorg
- Thuisbevalling, bad bevalling en ziekenhuisbevalling
- Geboorteplan en kraamplan
- Halve & volledige lotus geboorte
- Stil geboorte
- Borstvoeding
- Kunstvoeding
- Bewust alleenstaand ouderschap
- Gezinnen met eerste, tweede, derde en vierde kindje
- Hechting
- Draagdoeken
- Spiritualiteit
- Koken in de kraamtijd
- Rust en vertrouwen
- Verschillende culturen
- NL & ENG sprekend
○ Vaccinaties
- Kinkhoest 2024
- Kinkhoest 2024
○ Opleidingen
- Borstvoedingscoach - NCLO
- Basis - Natuurlijke kraamzorg
- Kraamverzorgende - ROC van Amsterdam
- Mum and baby yoga - Arhanta yoga
- Yoni steam - Udemy
- Zwangerschapsmassage - Bia Doula Training
- Baby yoga & massage - Jip & Jan academie
- Prenatal & postnatal yoga - Bliss Baby Yoga
- Draagconsulent basis - Massage academie
- Bengkung belly binding - Gentle beginnings
- Doula foundation & advanced training - Bia Doula Training
- Vinyasa yoga - De nieuwe yogaschool
○ Workshop & trainingen
- Hyperbilirubinemie - Livis
- Vroegsignalering, herziene meldcode en preventie Shaken baby syndroom - Livis
- Acute verloskunde - Vrouwenzorg
- Breastfeeding for professionals -The Thompson Method
- Borstvoeding kickstart kraamzorg - Teddy Roorda
- Fysiologie en pathologie tijdens de baring - Livis
- Borst- en kunstvoeding (basis en verdiepend) - Livis
- Short Course on Breastfeeding - Stanford University
- Online vrije geboorte cursus - Vrije geboorte
- Fysiologie en pathologie in het kraambed - Livis
- Vervroegde inzet partusassistentie - EMB Opleiding
- Kruidenstempelmassage - Wellness Academie
- Geboortezorg in kwetsbare situaties - Pampers
- EHBO Kind, incl. kind en volwassenen - Vrouw & Zorg
- Acute verloskunde - TOV Verloskunde
- Hypnobirthing - Calm waves hypnobirthing
- EHBO cursus - Drs Mama
- Zwanger Fit - bbb health boutique